Welcome to Day 30 of the Proverbs Challenge, and I am so proud of those of us who have continued to press into God, daily, and the insight that has been gained on this journey!
Today, we are reading chapter 30, but the verse that spoke to myself is:
“Who but God goes up to heaven and comes back down? Who holds the wind in his fists? Who wraps up the oceans in his cloak? Who has created the whole wide world? What is his name—and his son’s name? Tell me if you know!”
Proverbs 30:4
My Thoughts: Kieren and I went out for a late-night walk a few nights ago, and the Milky Way was shining over our home (which I have written about before), but the number of stars in the sky was incredible
We talked about how I always feel closest to God, when I see how small I am, in comparison to creation. Now that is a strange concept to feel loved in this humongous world, yet, God created the stars so that I would know His name, and God paints a sunset for me, daily. Therefore, creation makes me feel loved.
This verse is a beautiful declaration of how other gods may promise so much, yet it is only Yahweh that came down for His children.
Yahweh is life; He is love; and He created everything through Christ, for you and I
My Reflection: Colossians 1:16-17 teaches us that through Christ, the world was created
I love everything about this Proverb, because it keeps my mind in check, by giving perspective
There is no circumstance in our lives, too big, for our God to handle, because He is the creator, and we are the created
I love the imagery of God gathering up the wind, or wrapping up the waters. I love that the Universe, and everything in it, is His
I am His; we are His: and creation simply reminds me that we have nothing to be afraid of because our strength comes from Him ultimately
What did chapter 30 show you?
Categories: Proverbs Challenge