Today, we are reading Chapter 23 for the 23rd Day of the Proverbs Challenge, and I am excited to see what God shares with you all!
The proverb that spoke to me is the one that changed my life when I thought that my way was always the best, and I wasn’t interested in what anyone else had to say:
“Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge.”
Proverbs 23:12
My Thoughts: I was the person who, when I had to work with other people at school or for a work project, I would cast my opinion first (because I thought it was the best one anyway) and while the other group members were sharing their ideas, I would be thinking (in my head) of the next steps to complete my idea, as a team…I never listened to what they had to say
The same went for when people would give me a “Word” from God, or advice for a situation that I was in, because I always thought humanity was second classed advice when I could go direct to the Source of Knowledge and Wisdom
Yet, God showed me that ALL of humanity reveals Who He is, on a different perspective, and also, He created us to be in fellowship with each other. Therefore, listening to direction from others, is not Plan B, or even Plan C, for our lives, but rather, God can give them Godly revelation to speak into the situation that we have sought God for
My Reflection: Those of us most likely to gain knowledge are those who are willing to listen because it is a sign of strength, not weakness, to pay attention to what others have to say!
Those of us who are eager to listen will continue to learn and grow throughout life, and therefore, as long as we are continually seeking not to be “set in our ways” then there is no limit to what our knowledge and understanding can become
I have found that humility is a great place to start with being able to listen because I have learnt that God will use a 2-year-old to speak just as clearly as a theologian – we just need to be willing to open our mind to that possibility
Categories: Proverbs Challenge