Faith says, to me, that I survived stepping forward
Faith says, to me, that God was right
Faith says, to me, that that path was the wrong choice
Faith says, to me, that in my weakness, God did carry me through those tough times
I have realised that faith only needs one tiny amount of belief, in us, to allow God to work through us, because it is in those times that we find the most profound moments of our lives, as we look back and see God’s intricacies interwoven through all of our lives
Therefore, let me encourage us that faith says that we do not believe in our circumstances, because we are believing in Him
Faith says that the impossible happens when God’s hand is upon it
Faith says that we need to let go of the hatred because love conquers all
Friends, I have story after story of believing what God was showing me in the Supernatural, over what made sense in the natural
Therefore, I want to encourage us this morning, that the only way to see breakthrough is to get out the boat when Jesus is telling us to ”come” and to keep our eyes focused on Him
What are you struggling with this morning? What circumstances are too much to bear? What scares you the most?
God can only show us true freedom when we realise that anything is possible, in His glorious name
““What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.””
Mark 9:23
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