To Kieren,
You have always made me feel safe, even when at times, things around us, have not been, and I know that I am loved beyond measure because of the way my soul knows that I am ”your” one.
”Thank you” for your continual pursuit of nothing but God’s best for our family
”Thank you” for saying ”yes” to the call on your life, as a Husband; as a Father; and so much more
It does not seem like twelve years ago, that we stood on a beach in Bentota, Sri Lanka, and declared God’s promises over each other
Your love has quietened my fears, and given me a confidence to become who God created me to be, but also, your love consistently encapsulates what it means to love God, and love others
I wouldn’t want to be on this journey with anyone, other than you. Thank you Jesus for colliding our paths all those years ago
1 John 4:18 says: ”There is no fear in love.”
That’s why I know I can do anything, with you by my side
Happy 12th Anniversary babe ❤️

Categories: 1 John