Yesterday, I spoke a word during the church prayer meeting, but as I spoke about the verse found in Romans 14, God showed me a picture which I want to share:
I saw God on His throne looking down to earth, and I was stood next to Jesus, where we stood in what looked like a vast field with people knelt before Him, as far as my eye could see
I noticed there were two lines, with a clear distinction between the people
On Jesus’ right-hand-side, the people had a crown on their head, and it was like a continual mexican-wave, as they took the crown off their head and bowed down to Jesus, with then, their crown in front of them, held by their hands, as an offering to Him. The crowns were bright gold, with large brilliant red, green, and blue jewels surrounding each one
On Jesus’ left-hand-side, everyone was knelt crying and sobbing with their hands reached out to Him
Then Jesus spoke out the words found in the verse:
“As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bend to me, and every tongue will declare allegiance to God.”
Romans 14:11
Friends, this lifetime is for us to pick how we intend to spend eternity. This is why the Gospel is so important to the world
There has never been a time in history so pertinent than now. Jesus is coming, and when He does, we will hear the roar of His name throughout the world
Are we choosing to be on Jesus’ left or right? There wasn’t (in that field) and isn’t, a different choice…only two
“Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me.”
Luke 11:23
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