I love the book of Exodus. I used to think that this was a book of pain and suffering whilst showcasing an unloving God, and yet now, I see a faithful and loving God who in the midst of all our pain and suffering, we can be confident that God will hear our cries and deliver us, just as He did the Israelites
The Israelites were oppressed and had been in slavery for 400 years, and so God’s people prayed to Him for deliverance from their heartache. Therefore, God sent them Moses, and yet to their dismay, when Moses told Pharaoh to ”Let my people go, ” and he didn’t, but on top of that made them work harder, the Israelites and Moses were baffled
There are so many of us who think that we will pray to God and then live a stress-free life. Yet, that is not the world we live in. Pain and heartache do not come from God, but the world and circumstances we live in, and so, although God could end all suffering in an instant, I know from experience, it has been in the midst of my pain and anguish that I have found the deepest, and the purest love from God
God bought the ten plagues to Egypt to show the Israelites that the God of their Father’s was still very much with them
These plagues were also designed to convince Pharaoh and all the people “that there is none like me in all the earth” (Exodus 9:14) because they worshipped so many different gods, and so God used the plagues to show their gods were nothing compared to God Almighty
By the time the Israelites were free of slavery, they released Who God really was and the lengths He would go to to protect them, to show His power against others who worship false gods, and His plan for His children
Friends, there are times in life when we may think that other things in life may seem more appealing. Seem a more natural route, or we just believe that life would be more comfortable in slavery
However, just like the Israelites, God’s very purpose that He declared at the beginning – that we will know that He is Lord of all – now shows us that we can still look back on these events today, to confirm our faith in, and our fear of, this true and living God – who is our protector, our provider and the only One who can save our souls
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