I reflected on the quote above this morning, and I hope you will do the same…
We all know that we have been called by God, to do things in this lifetime that are beyond our comprehension, and also, in our weakness, we find God’s strength.
But the thing that plays over in my mind, is the fact that we can become so over-familiar with the call on our lives, that we no longer seek God.
I think back over the warriors of our faith – the great cloud of witnesses who are looking down upon us, and cheering us on each and every day – they all desired God more, sought after His presence, and obeyed God’s direction
So many of us are afraid of seeing the Spirit move because we want to be in control, that we stop powerful shifts in people’s lives
Let’s stop and remember that God can do more in a second for an individual than we can in a lifetime, but when we move with the Spirit and are filled with God’s power, God uses us to move in ways that we have only read or dreamed about
My prayer is that humanity will stop trying to control their circumstances, and turn to face God (daily) because that my friends, is when Jesus will return
Categories: Encouragement