When you put God on the right hand of our lives, we are saying is that He has a position of honor, power and authority.
The Bible talks of Jesus being at the right hand of God. To help us have a place of salvation, refuge and protection in this World.
Having faith is fundamental to Christianity because without it, Jesus didn’t die for us and therefore His death means nothing.
Or – like me, it means everything
Categories: UncategorizedTags: Actions, Atonement, Believe, bible, bornagain, children, Christ, christian, Christianity, church, Confidence, Death, Desires, Direction, earth, Eternal, eternallife, eternity, evangelism, Faith, Family, Fear, Forever, Forgiveness, Freewill, Friends, future, glorify, Glory, god, Gospel, Gospels, grace, Heart, heaven, HolySpirit, Hope, Humanity, jesus, joy, Judgement, Life, light, Live, Lord, Love, Man, Mercy, Obedience, Path, Peace, People, Perfection, Power, praise, Pray, prayer, Promises, Psalm, Psalms, Rewards, Righteous, Righteousness, Salvation, saved, saviour, Servant, Sin, Soul, strength, Trust