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Asking God

I remember in Bible college, this verse was recognised as God’s phone number – that all we needed to remember was to call Him on Jeremiah 333 and He would answer us

This was also intriguing to me. That the God of the Universe – creator of all would have the time, for me, let alone answer my prayers

I would rehearse my prayers out loud before actually ”saying them” to God, because I would think that He didn’t hear me until I addressed my words to Him…oh how far He has bought me in our relationship together, but this Scripture still holds true as it did, the first time I read it in that class…

God assured Jeremiah that he only had to call to God, and God would answer. It reminds me of Matthew 7:7 as well, but I have found that there is always a part that we play. It’s not about whether God will answer you, but whether you believe that God will hear you

For me, it was always the worry that ”God was too busy for me” – the fear of rejection was ugly, and it stopped me many times from calling out to Him, because of the ”what if’s”

Yet, Scripture shows us throughout the Bible that God is ready to answer our prayers, but we have to call out to Him first, and yes, God could take care of every need we will ever have, before we asked for it. But when we ask…when we become vulnerable and smash through that ”what if” we acknowledge that He alone is God and that we need Him, because our weaknesses find His strength

Friends, when we ask something from God, it brings humility to our hearts. It also brings an understanding, that in obedience, and willingness to do what is asked from God, worry is becomes but a fleeting memory. Boldness and courage rises within us, and it is in those times that God reveals things to us, that He will accomplish through us, and then dreams really do become reality

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