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Good Things, Sometimes, aren’t Necessarily from God

It’s the ol’ cliche – is it good or is it God? Not necessarily the same thing, which, unfortunately, we can have a tendency to think.


Because we can assume that all good things come from above – James 1:17 even tells us this. But we have to seek God’s will in all that we do.

When did we stop realising that yes, God made the world, but Satan is the Prince of it, so, therefore, he can make something seem, ”really” appealing to us.

Plus, Satan knows the Bible better than we do, so throw a few Scriptures in the mix, and 95% of the time, we usually instantly think – this opportunity…this blessing…this promotion…this ______(fill in the gap), must be from God!

Especially as it’s come at a time when life is tough…our circumstances look bleak…or we’ve been waiting long enough.

Lot must have thought that all of his blessings had come at once when he looked to the East and saw the lush plain of the Jordan – as good as Eden. It was at the time when his relationship with Abram (his Uncle) had become strained.

So many of us part ways with family and friends from petty quarrels, rather than loving one another, as God commands – it’s easier that way, right? We forget that God will provide, even when things get tough if He has given us the assignment.

So, Lot decided to take the East of Jordan, but, behind this beautiful land, was Sodom, a city that constantly went against God…

Interestingly, moving East was at a time where it could be seen as moving away from God’s presence – something that becomes clear, quite quickly, within the rest of Lot’s journey.

How often does something look too good to be true, yet, we ignore what God previously told us, and forge onwards, in a quest to make life, “just that little bit easier”?

There are so many lessons that we can take from this passage but today, I want us to ask…

Does the opportunity before us seem too good to be true? Is it the easy way out? Has God actually said to “Go”, or are we looking for a way out of an uncomfortable situation?

My best piece of advice…

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians‬ ‭4:6-7‬)

God is a good God, but sometimes the easy way, isn’t necessarily, His way, and as we can read with Abram…I’d take living by faith any-day, over the devastation that Lot experienced, by going East

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