I love when God puts a song on my heart and this one by Hillsong United is another one of my favourites (as is all of them, to be honest!)
Yet, thinking about Peter this morning, some of us may feel that he put Jesus to the test, but he was the only person to react in faith.
Peter’s faith led him to experience a demonstration of God’s power, but he only sank when Peter took his eyes off Jesus.
Peter’s faith wavered when He looked around at his circumstances and realised when he was actually doing.
Yet, when Peter’s faith faltered, he reached out to Jesus – the only one who could help him.
There are some of us whom God is asking us to “come.” You have asked to get out of the boat and when Jesus said yes, you became hesitant.
So my prayer today, is that we will all get out of the boat when Jesus says too, and that the Spirit will then lead us to places that have no borders because our trust is in Him and our eyes are fixed firmly on Jesus!
I also pray that we will be faith-filled people who “step out onto the water” so that we will also see God’s power move before our eyes.
“Yes, come,” Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.” Matthew 14:29