But, Christ has the authority and power to help us break free of the things that we cannot control! Those things like the addictions that this world has to offer.
When I attempted to control my life, everything would go horribly wrong – simply because I couldn’t do anything, that didn’t lead me away from God.
So it came to much relief that when I let go of it all, God restored me.
Christ has the keys that would have ultimately seen me in hell. He conquered the grave and He alone holds the keys to hades and death.
Therefore, I place my faith in the one who gave it all.
I encourage anyone that is still struggling with “something,” – ask God to help you and then let go to see Him work in your life
“I am the living one. I died, but look—I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and the grave.” Revelation 1:18