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Smashing disappointment

How many of us have faced disappointment in our lifetime?

This year has seen many ups and downs for myself personally and we’re only half way through! Yet, when disappointment meets us head on, we have two choices…

We can either try and run away from the truth by covering up our true hearts desires.

Or, we can let God’s promises smash the disappointment in our lives.

If you don’t know me very well, then I love to be by the water, especially the Ocean.

The sound of the waves hitting an unexpected rock or shore, literally fills my heart with praise because it reminds me that every wave I see, is like a promise from God – they are never ending because His faithfulness never ceases.

So I choose to run to God in the times of disappointment. To let Him soothe my soul and bring calmness back to my life.

If you haven’t had the outcome you prayed or desired, stand firm in God’s word because His promises are Yes and Amen – it just might not be, for such a time as this.

“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.” Hebrews‬ ‭10:23‬

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