Site icon Rebecca Brand

Is it them or God?

This is a really challenging verse for me and one that I wrestle with, on and off – even now.

We all crave to be accepted. To be liked. We want a relationship with others. There is a God-given desire to be loved throughout our lifetime but (for myself especially) I found my focus became to be accepted by social media. To be liked by my peers. To be noticed in this World.

God challenged me, by asking “why”. Why was I thinking this way?

God sent Jesus to this Earth, in order for me to receive the love of the Father. To bring me into a relationship with the living God. For me to know that I am accepted – no matter what this World says. That even if I was the only person in this World, Jesus would have still given His life for Me.

God has created us all for a specific purpose. Whether we fulfill that, should be an afterthought because the main reason we were created, is relationship. Your desire to fulfill your hopes and dreams from God, should come from the love, for Him.

I have learnt, that even if God tells me that I will change the World; my main focus is that I live for Him. To know Him. To draw close to Him because that is the reason why, He ultimately died for me.

“If God is for you, who can be against you?” Romans 8:31

Have a blessed Easter.

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