Unfortunately, to be like God is what the world still desires most…to be on the throne…to be the most powerful…to have the most wisdom…to be able to create..and to have the right to destroy
Satan wanted to be like God, which was his downfall and Eve wanted to be like God, which was ours
I find it so sad that this is still the case today. I mean, we only need to look at history to realise that there were, and still are, so many people with God complexes in the world. That need to win, to control, or to simply, just be like God
This was the final enticement that satan used towards Eve. We have read how he managed to get Eve to have a conversation with him and how he created doubt in her mind. Yet, the final nail in the coffin was to poise the temptation of being like God with having infinite wisdom
Satan fell wanting to be like God, and so has humanity. If only we would take a step back and realise that as a “created being”, we can never be like our Creator, and therefore, when we desire to be like God, in fact, we become more like satan
Categories: Genesis