Genesis 2 goes through a more detailed focus of Day Six and Seven of the Creation story. In previous posts, I have already gone through how God created both male and female equally and that both are in the image of God
Yet, God did state that the male came first because of the responsibility of what was to come. The Hebrew word for male is zachar, but it also means remember. This is something that we need to take note of because it is the fundamental characteristic of mankind. Man needs to remember where he comes from and who Elohim (his Creator) is because the tohu wa-bohu of day one in Creation is predestined to turn into the sanctified being of day seven. Man needs to remember that we were created for more
In Genesis 2:7, this is also the first time that yâtsar is used. This summarises God’s plan for humanity. Yâtsar means that God formed man from the earth. He is the Potter and has a purpose for it. We know this, right? But, Elohim’s creation of man was a hands-on experience, and in some ways, we can still say that God’s hands are still moulding and shaping our spiritual characters into who He wants us to become today. Yet, even when God was forming man, He knew that one day He would have to take a part of Himself to come and die for us, and yet, God still chose to do so
I love that just as God breathed His breath of life (neshamah) into Adam in Genesis 2:7, which bought about a connection between God and man. Jesus replicated this action as a symbolic act in John 20:22 with His disciples. It was a promise of what was to come with receiving the Holy Spirit but also taking us back to the very beginning to remember that inside every one of us is a desire to reconnect with its Source of life
Categories: Genesis