Sarai and I talked last night, whilst she was getting ready to go to bed, but she paused after I answered a question she had regarding eternity.
She couldn’t get in her mind around eternity having an eternity past, eternity present and eternity future. Therefore, she said that it was too big for her to comprehend, but then she paused to think about it some more.
I too thought about this for a while, because right or wrong, I have always classed eternity past as God and satan at war, eternity present as being the world we now live in, and eternity future when the new Jerusalem will be created.
Yet, Holy Spirit had me pause at eternity future to think about the plans that God has for us. Later in the evening, I came across a quote from Andy Stanley, and it blew my mind at the thought of what part we play in God’s purpose for humanity.
You see, we all know that God created us with a purpose, for a purpose. In other words, we aren’t here by luck, or chance etc. etc. It’s more that, in eternity past, God planned for us, to have His Son save us, from “sin”, so that we would then play at a part in eternity future.
However, what got me was that when we walk with God and trust Him with our lives, we will fulfil all the things that He had planned, so that eternity future will then be affected by us.
“He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Ephesians 2:10
Can you imagine all those people who have changed the course of history (as we know it) realising that what they did could affect us long into what will become the new heaven and earth?
Friends, I don’t know about you, but I don’t just want to change the world for Jesus, I want to fulfil all that God has planned for me because then, through faith and obedience, my life will have lasting effects into eternity future. We need to set our sights on more than “just” this world.
Colossians 3:2 talks about thinking of heaven not the things of earth, and I firmly believe that this is part of the reason why
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