Recently, I have felt so frustrated with social media that I pulled back to reflect, and more importantly, to spend time with God, and my family
So many things are changing behind the scenes on social media platforms, and honestly, I got tired of receiving emails from them that basically said the ”reach” of the posts people will receive are going to reduce again
Say what?
In other words…before a lot of ”followers” would see all of my posts, then social media said unless I promoted the posts (spent money) my reach was going to be limited, and now it’s getting smaller again (because I won’t pay to advertise) I, therefore, became despondent with it all because social media was supposed to simply be a place to connect – which is why I ultimately joined
On Saturday, I walked the Tongariro Crossing with Kieren and Sarai, but over the 19.6km walk (yes, my feet still hurt) I had a lot of time to speak to God. In those seven hours, I talked to the Lord about my frustrations, and He graciously replied to everything, in a way that only He knows best – through Scripture
I read Revelation 3:8 and my soul filled with an overwhelming sense of peace. I had become frustrated with an entity controlled by this world, rather than keeping my eyes on God. I know that ultimately, God is always in control, but honestly, I felt an injustice had occurred, whereas, truthfully, my mind had become narrow-minded with what was happening. Let’s be honest if we live in a broken world, how can we expected things to be fair?
So, I decided to let the frustration go, because God will speak to people without any social media platforms, so I had to repent for thinking that this was the way He was going to use the words He had put on my heart to share. Therefore, I want to continue to write, and whoever God speaks to, through my posts, I will be glad and rejoice!
Friends, I want to encourage you this morning, that whatever God has put on your heart to do…I pray that you will continue on that path. The enemy will always try to distract us in whatever way he can, but ultimately, if God has opened a door, no one will be able to shut it, no matter what things look like in the natural. Therefore, let’s trust God, and keep pressing forward no matter what
Categories: Revelation