In Matthew 14, we can read about Jesus walking on water, but it’s at the very beginning of this passage that spoke to me most. Jesus sent His disciples off – alone – into the boat to go ahead of Him so that Jesus could finish up where they had just ministered and go and pray
Yet, Jesus knew that the storm the disciples were about to face would cause them to be scared, but He sends them regardless – without warning
How many of us currently feel that we are obedient to what God had put on our hearts, but we are now facing a storm, and we’re scared?
Driving home, after our church prayer meeting, last night, I was thinking of my own times where I couldn’t see Jesus in my storms, and yet, He was always there. He may not have been in the boat with me, but He was undoubtedly performing miracles around me
Friends, we all know the story of Peter walking on water, and just like him, we may have started on a journey with good intentions, but sometimes our faith does falter. This doesn’t mean that we have failed. When Peter’s faith faltered, he reached out to Jesus, who was the only One who could help, and he kept his eyes on Christ
Peter was afraid but he kept his eyes on Jesus – I love this because when we are apprehensive about our circumstances, even though we might not see Jesus clearly in the storm, we need to keep walking forward (by faith) to Jesus. Or maybe, we see Jesus, but the storm is nothing like we have encountered before, therefore, just like Peter, we are beginning to sink when we have stopped focusing on Christ
There are too many of us being sideswiped, by the enemy, from the waves of life, where we feel alone in the storm and we are fearful to move
I pray this morning that we begin to understand that sometimes we are asked to move to the next season where Jesus isn’t in the boat with us, but He is walking in the storms beside us
Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him
Matthew 14:22
Categories: Matthew
there r so many things that u post that hit a little 2 close 2 home base but wen u talk about it i know where u r coming from
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