I saw a picture of immeasurable jugs above the nations of the earth, and I saw that the jugs were being poured out in accordance to seeing the Spirit manifested within people’s hearts, the circumstances within people’s lives, and within the nations itself, but this is what I felt the Lord say…
He is starting to unravel the prodigal’s eyes and hearts to hear HIS voice clearly, but He is also starting to peel off the blindfold’s on HIS ”lost” children’s eyes as well, so that, just like captives seeing the sunlight once more, so too, will those children know the true light they now see
Just as the roar of the ocean is different compared to the sound of a gentle stream – we will know the difference, very clearly, between His voice, and the world’s because the measuring jugs are full of clarity, truth, wisdom, and love
God is pouring out His Spirit within the nations, to accelerate salvation, and reconciliation, because people all over the world will realise that God is the God of love, and not of condemnation as others have spoken about.
There will be an exodus from other religions who turn their back on the idols they once worshipped, and the House of God will start to overflow once more, from the measuring jugs being pouring out
People are going to ask “why me” because of the shame and hurt in their lives, and yet, God shows us that He has made an immeasurable covenant – full of grace and love – with His people in Jeremiah 31. We will never, ultimately, understand His redeeming love, but God has decided that He will never cast us away if our hearts genuinely turn to Him
The day is coming where all Nations will bow, but not before the last of HIS chosen children come home.
I am living proof of God’s redemptive love, and therefore, no matter what we have done, God will open His arms out to us, when we cry out for forgiveness
“This is what the Lord says: “Just as the heavens cannot be measured and the foundations of the earth cannot be explored, so I will not consider casting them away for the evil they have done. I, the Lord, have spoken!”
Jeremiah 31:37
Categories: Prophetic Words