I had a dream of where I was walking in a cobblestone city that was bustling with people. There were market-stalls to the left and right of the broad walkway, but as I looked around, I noticed in a shop window that I was completely naked. In my mind, I automatically told myself to find something to cover my body with, but as I continued to look at myself walking past the windows, I noticed that I was at peace with walking in the streets and my stature wasn’t one of shame, but of peace, and boldness. I felt secure in who I was. I also realised that although I was the only one naked, people around me glanced at me quickly, but it was as if this was normality. Then I woke, and this is what God said:
I am taking shame from nakedness away from my children. NO LONGER will they be ashamed of the vessel I created. The peace and boldness you felt in the streets was because you were walking in the freedom that Jesus gave at the cross – You were walking in the fullness of your identity
My children will be purified once more so that they finally realise that sin NO LONGER plays a part in their lives. As they turn wholeheartedly to face me, their clothing will disperse along with the shame of this world.
Others will look at my children and realise that they are SET APART because their nakedness represents a pure heart, mind, and soul.
Nakedness will NO LONGER represent vulnerability, but being distinguished as mine. That purity of heart, mind and soul is where there will be a quickening to draw others to Me.”
As I spent time with God with this word, He put Genesis 3:7 in my mind of where Adam and Eve felt shame. But He reminded me that shame came from a choice to not draw close to God after they sinned, and we know, instead, Adam and Eve tried to hide what God already knew
“At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves.”
Genesis 3:7
When Adam and Eve felt guilt, and they tried to hide, their feelings (which were given by God as a warning sign) were telling them that they had done wrong. God is removing shame because we no longer will hide.
Friends, in other words, when we sin, we will run to God for forgiveness, and that is when we will NO LONGER need “clothing” because there will NO LONGER be shame to want to hide
Categories: Prophetic Words