Yesterday, Sarai was listening to music through YouTube, and a song from Kelly Clarkson came on. As I listened to the words, I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me about the number of people who still believe they need to ”have it all together” before they step out into the next season
I wanted to encourage us this morning that we are all still broken, and that is why we will always need a Saviour. Yet, it is when we realise that we need God, that He walks with us through our purposes in life
The disciples had three years with Jesus before He ascended to Heaven, but in that time, Jesus called them – as they were – to follow Him. There was no program to ”get it all together” because Jesus knew that in their brokenness they would find God’s strength
Every day, we need to choose to believe God, that we are enough for Him to partner with us, otherwise, we end up believing the world that brokenness can never be used
I love the Japanese artform of kintsukuroi because the brokenness of the pot becomes it strength when mended with gold
Friends, God takes our brokenness and uses it for His glory. We are all broken, but we are beautiful, because we are His. God’s strength becomes the gold people see in our lives
Let’s remind ourselves that God’s grace is more than enough, and therefore, today, if the world has bashed you down and you no longer feel worthy, let His soothing Words remind you of your precious worth, and then be bold, with Christ
”My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.”
2 Corinthians 12:9
Categories: 2 Corinthians