Welcome to Day 21 of the Proverbs Challenge! I don’t know about you, but these last three weeks have flown by, and before you know it, this challenge will end!
Today, the very first verse struck a cord with me, and so, I am going to write on Proverbs 21:1
“The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.”
Proverbs 21:1
My Thoughts: In today’s world, we can get so worried about the people in power. We fret over Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings or Queens, and yet, we forget Who is sat on the actual Throne
When Solomon wrote the book of Proverbs, in his day, Kings possessed absolute power in the nations and were often considered to be like gods
Yet, this Proverb shows that God, not earthly rulers has ultimate authority over world politics
Even if these people don’t realise it, the earth’s most powerful Kings have ALWAYS been under God’s control
My Reflection: God will accomplish His plans in History – despite if every nation rejects Him
God did not create the world and then leave it up to us! Therefore, we need to remember that God is still in complete control, today, even in this ever-changing world
Also, although humanity has free will, there is nothing that will happen that God does not know about. He is not shocked by events that occur, and therefore, let’s remember, that although the decisions made may not have been “His will” for our lives, He will always use events for His ultimate Glory!
God has the Victory
Categories: Proverbs Challenge