How many times have we thought that there was ”no way out” of our current circumstances?
There have been times when I have given up the ”fight” because I believed my circumstances were hopeless. Yet, God opened my eyes…
As a little girl, I was able (and still can) see the spiritual realm. While this was scary and unknown at the time, it has also allowed me to grow in the reassurance that I am protected – but that doesn’t mean my life has been ”easy.”
This morning, I was thinking of the story of Elisha showing Heavens Army in 2 Kings. I love this passage of Scripture because it reinforces my thoughts growing up, that even when we feel we are alone or defeated. God never leaves our side. He surrounds us with His protection and love
Friends, there might be events happening in your world right now that you feel you are surrounded and can not breathe, but I want to reassure you that even if your enemies look like they are surrounding you, I pray this morning that God will open your eyes to see that He is the One actually surrounding you
All weekend, I have been listening to ”Peace” which is an album by Bethel. Their first song ”Surrounded” with Kari Jobe undid me. It speaks of us fighting our battles by actually allowing God to do so. He surrounds you, just like He surrounds me
Therefore, today, I pray that your eyes are opened to the truths that sometimes, the most powerful thing we can do in life, is to get on our knees and pray, because we are surrounded by God
“the Lord surrounds his people, both now and forever.”
Psalm 125:2
Categories: Uncategorised
Great words! Reblogging!👍😁
Glad it spoke to you ♥️