Do you remember when you first gave your life to Christ?
It felt, to me, like I was invincible, and that no matter what, I would scream from the rooftops of God’s mercy and grace for me. It felt, to me, like I was “on fire” for God, and because I was off work at that time through sickness, I spent literally every waking second with Him. I relied on God for everything because I had never journeyed with Him, so it was all new and exciting
I don‘t remember when it started to “dull” down – it certainly wasn’t an instant thing, but again I remember thinking that I hadn’t spoken to God as I used too. Or that, my prayer life became less than before, and that made me sad. Sad that I could so quickly become distracted and scared that God would leave me
Don’t you find, just like our earthly relationships, that to start with we are “all in” and just spend every waking moment thinking of that person? Or we do anything to try and please them? Yet, over time, this fades as comfortably, and routine takes over
Every day there has to be a conscious decision to rely upon God. We have to wake up and put our trust in the Lord, make sure we spend time together and build our relationship, daily, as we walk through all different hills and valleys over the years
Everyday we have to remember that God is here to help us, and to renew that yearning, or hunger, in order to have that zest for life, in Him. Just like that fire that once felt like it would never burn out
Friends, I have come to realise that our relationship has to change over time, because in order to grow into who God has created us to be, we need to let go of what was. Yet, it doesn’t mean that our fire for God has to change – if anything that grows deeper, as we journey each day with Him
I want to encourage us today, that God is here to help us, in all things. But, that needs to come from a daily dependence on Him. Therefore, let’s start each day with that desire to get to know Him more
“Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.”
Isaiah 41:13
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