Corrie Ten Boom is one of my heroes of faith. She hid Jews within her bedroom wall, during World War II, but in 1948, the Ten Boom family were arrested by the Natzi’s, taken to Prison, and then later, Corrie was taken, with her sister, to Ravensbrück concentration camp
From the Camp, many women came to Christ from Corrie, and her sister witnessing about God
Corrie Ten Boom survived the camp and decided to travel after the war to tell people about God’s love – her story is incredible, but it’s Corrie’s love of prayer that captures my heart today
In one of her quotes, Corrie asks if our prayer life is the steering wheel or the spare tyre within our lives, and this got me thinking yesterday about the Scripture found in Luke 6:12 because Jesus prayed ”all night” to God
Now, I’m not saying that to be steered by God (if a steering wheel) then we need to pray all night! But, the metaphor Corrie uses shows us that prayer can be something that is either deemed essential within our lives or a spare tyre, which is ultimately only needed when in trouble
Friends, there are so many Scriptures that direct us to prayer, and still, some of us struggle with building a prayer life
However, a question to ponder, would be, if God isn’t directing your life, then who is?
Prayer is the very heartbeat of our faith because it allows us to communicate with our Father, Who in turn, directs us throughout our lives. But, it’s more than that, it will enable us to draw closer to the Father, and build that intimacy that shows us Who He is
I want more of God…in fact, I want all of the Father…but that can only come, when God becomes everything to me, and not just a ten-minute daily prayer, or worst, someone I run to only when life gets hard
Sometimes, we need to ask ourselves the hard questions and be honest with ourselves. Ultimately, we will always be wanting more prayer if in the Father’s presence is where we want to be, but what is our true priorities regarding prayer? Is it the steering wheel, or spare tyre
“One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night.”
Luke 6:12
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