How can one simple verse have so much goodness crammed into it? This is goodness from God, but also, goodness to us!
This is what I love about the Scripture’s ability to speak to our soul, because this verse isn’t well known, yet, like all Scripture, it is God-breathed, and so gives life to us when we really think about what God wanted us to know, when He inspired the writer to pen Psalm 66
We need to remember that God is Holy and Righteous and yet, He still wants to hear all of our prayers – that’s Mercy
The fact that God would make time to be in our presence is also Grace – because, let’s face it, we are still sinners! Yet, because of God’s redemptive, unfailing, love, that is why we are not ignored
Friends, this is why we should praise Him! We should praise God to the highest mountain and the lowest valley, because although we don’t deserve it, Jesus paid the price, so that we get to do it anyway
God is always there for us. The Creator of the universe. The Lord Most High. The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Our Heavenly Father is with us, every step of the way…thank you Father…thank you…thank you…thank you
“Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from me.”
Psalm 66:20
Categories: Psalm