I received the above photo of Sarai, last Sunday, after it was taken during the worship at our church
There is nothing more rewarding, as a Christian family, than to see your child/ren growing in their faith
Up until Sarai was around 7-years-old, I remember trying to mould her into who I thought she should be. Until one day Sarai said, ”Mama, I’m not you, ” and that sentence changed me forever
I realised that although Sarai has Kieren’s and my DNA, she is also a unique masterpiece, created by God
Sarai is the type of person who will draw a tree with every colour under the sun on it, and then stick cotton wool balls as the leaves, whereas, I draw the brown bark and green leaves
Friends, I have learnt to embrace and celebrate the differences within our family, because I realise from the Scripture found in Proverbs 22:6 that a child should be raised in the way they should go, and not, the way we think they should go
Raising the next generation is hard, especially when we live in such dark times. Yet, if we give our children a good foundation to glean from, then the things that they learn from us, in being obedient and faithful in our walk, they will hold onto those values until the day they die
“Dedicate your children to God and point them in the way that they should go, and the values they’ve learned from you will be with them for life.”
Proverbs 22:6
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