This verse sends shivers down my spine because the verse ends with ”and those who love it will eat its fruit”
How many of us think before we speak? To align our thoughts with God? Or to speak ”life” in a heated moment, rather than ”death” to prove our point? It’s human nature to always want the last word or to even be heard, and yet, God calls us to live ”higher”
The armour of God is one of the most powerful weapons we have, because we are to live in a supernatural way, but I feel that one of the reasons we can struggle with the concept of putting on the armour of God, each day, is because there are no physical pieces of metal to put on.
Therefore, it can feel almost meaningless to visualise us all suited up in the battledress of a soldier! It boils down to us having faith that our words have power and meaning in the natural sense, but also with the supernatural
I don’t think it is a coincidence that the helmet of salvation protects our minds, and yet, this verse found in Proverbs shows that we need to be reminded that God’s protection does cover our thoughts, our will, and our emotions because His thoughts need to become ours, in order that the fruit we bear in our lifetime brings life, not death
Friends, there is no such thing as a random occurrence, but the enemy is so good at making things seem coincidental that once we realise his schemes, more often than not, some damage has already taken place, and so today, who do we need to go and ask forgiveness from? But also, have we prayed for the armour of God to be protecting us?
(Adapted from Life’s Greatest Battles – out now!!)