Do you realise that God is the One who is in control, not the enemy? Not then and indeed not today. We just need to receive that revelation.
God sees. He knows. He forgives. He redeems. And He restores, regardless of what we have done, or what has been done to us.
God is calling to us to come out of hiding and into His never-ending grace: His unconditional acceptance.
Looking back, shame was something that messed me up for many years. I remember being told during my early years as a Christian that I was going to hell because I was divorced. I naïvely believed that person.
Rather than taking that comment to God, I accepted it as truth. It therefore became my identity because I was a divorcee who loved Jesus with all my heart, but I felt not good enough – I missed the mark
It was like an atomic bomb in my life that I feared had just gone off—there was no hope of survival. No coming back. Done. Gone. Dead.
I was living in fear of my shameful past, living with the disappointment of not meeting the expectation of others, the guilt of my actions, the rejection, the fear, anxiety, worry, anger, doubt…you name it, and the enemy tormented me with it. I didn’t have anywhere that I thought I could turn and so, I felt alone.
At 25 years old, I remember looking up into the star-filled sky, crying. I had just discovered that I could have been set free, but I messed it up. I now recognise that I just did not understand the fullness of God’s grace at that time.
’…he does not want any to perish but all to come to repentance’. 2 Peter 3:9
I was ashamed of my shame. I felt unclean. Not worthy
Friends, how many of us are afraid to admit that we need healing?
Yet we must acknowledge all of our wounds. The journey from shame to freedom and full life in Christ must be a blatantly honest, nothing-hidden voyage, together!
I have learnt that when you expect the best and people do less…you are disappointed. But when you believe the best, and they do less, then you understand their story is not yet over, and neither is yours
Categories: Book Promotion