This verse always puts things into perspective for me…
Are you a person that sees the glass as half empty, or have full?
In this passage, Elisha was speaking to the fearful young man, because the Aramean army had surrounded them, in pursuit of Elisha. Yet, Elisha asked God to open the eyes of the young man and show him the actual state of what was going on. Upon this, the young man saw God’s Chariots of Fire surrounding the Aramean army
So many times we can be fearful, worried, or anxious within our circumstances in the ”natural”, that we forget about our Supernatural God, who is for us, not against us
How would you feel if God revealed the angels that surrounded you in your circumstances?
Most of us would feel more confident, but in reality, it should never be about what most of us can see, within our lives, but remembering Who God is
Friends, Elisha’s circumstances didn’t change in the sense that God didn’t remove the Aramean army that surrounded them. Elisha just knew Who he served and understood that we need to trust God beyond our own understanding, because the reality is often very different to what we perceive
Therefore, I want to encourage you this morning, that no matter what you are going through, ask God into your circumstances. Ask God to move for you, and direct your steps, because just like Elisha, the people that are sent to destroy you, could very well be led away by God
We need to realise that the victory will ALWAYS be ours, because God is by our side and we need to also realise that the glass is will ALWAYS be half full, because we are under God’s banner of love
Categories: 2 Kings