Yesterday, I was speaking to the Lord, and He showed me a picture that I want to share with you…
I saw what looked like a place similar to how I imagine the Garden of Eden. A place of pure beauty. The promise land.
I came to a clearing, and I saw crystal waters where there were numerous fish swimming gently. I noticed that every blade of grass was the same size which was gently swaying in the cool breeze, and then there were all different kinds of flowers and trees – perfect in design – as far as the eye could see.
I stayed for a while and admired the tranquillity, the peace, and the love that had surrounded this place, but God asked me to walk back with Him so that He could show me something.
I walked through a wheat field and saw people winnowing. At that time God stirred my Spirit to noticed that there was nothing but peace, love and joy in the atmosphere around me, yet the further I walked, the more unsettled I began to feel and the presence of God became less and less. The once array of colour had become hues of grey in places. I turned to see the edge of the wheat field with rocks that were coming up on either side of me.
I felt the Lord say:
”complete surrender means there can be no darkness.”
In other words, the garden was full of light – God’s light – because that is where He dwells. Therefore, everything in that garden surrenders entirely for God to reside there
Friends, God is calling us to surrender our lives to Him completely. That is the only place where we will find true love, peace, and joy because when we fear the absence of God, we live in a way that honours Him.
I felt stirred that the garden also represents our Spirit within. It’s the place where we find wholeness, true beauty and eternal life. The wheat field represents our Soul. This is the place that Jesus is continually refining, and the rocks represent our bodies, which bring hardship in many ways
So today, my question is:
Have we wholly surrendered our heart and soul to God to enter the promise land?
”And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? He requires only that you fear the Lord your God, and live in a way that pleases him, and love him and serve him with all your heart and soul.” Deuteronomy 10:12
Categories: Prophetic Words