Sometimes, I wish I could say that I am a fifth-generation Christian. That I stand on the prayers on those before me. That I am seeing the fruit of my family members guidance and truth within the Lord…
But that is not my story. That is not what was written before the beginning of time.
I now understand the persistence, the drive, and the hunger that God placed inside of me. Even the stubbornness and determination to press into God, and to press on beyond my current circumstances
Once, I thought these were ”bad” traits, but actually, they are the ones that have seen me stay true to my knowledge in Christ
I stand as a first-generation, born-again Christian, as does Kieren. The Scripture in Joshua is what we live out every day. The warfare that has come out of that verse is why we stand victorious today, and why we continue to declare and prophesy over friends and family, with what is to come
I can see the fruit already from the last decade of prayers, through our daughter, Sarai, and although we are by no means perfect, we love our household, and all that God has done already within our lives
Friends, we all have a choice to make, and the full verse from Joshua is written below, but this verse is what we need to decide daily. When we wake up and go about our day, we can do so with God by our side, or whatever god we choose
Someone asked me the other day what is the difference between my God, and theirs. I simply said that my God came down to rescue me by dying on a cross. No other god has ever lessened themselves to save another
So often we can pick out the good bits in Scripture because we like to declare just those things, but in Joshua 24:15 it asks a question…
If we refuse to serve the Lord, then whom do we serve? That is why we choose to pick up our cross daily and decide to walk with God through prayer
So today, ask yourself the question…
Who will you serve?
”But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15
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