There isn’t anything that I look at in this world and think, ”I want that Lord,” unless it’s regarding God Himself.
Yet, when I read Isaiah 6, I desire to see God on His throne, in all His glory, and watch the angels sing, and the elder’s bow, and for all to praise His name – because I want that!
Isaiah 6:1-8, is where Isaiah sees God on His throne and where the seraphim (who are the highest class of angels) are attending directly to the Lord
When Isaiah realises this is God, he thinks he is unworthy to see Him face-to-face, and so a seraphim touches Isaiah’s lips with coal and state that he is now clean, consecrated, set-apart. Then Isaiah is commissioned, by God, to change his world by being God’s prophet
How many of us reading this have been set apart and yet, still, fear being ”unclean” or ”not good enough”, and yet, God set us free to change the world, with hope?
Friends, we are not called to sit idly waiting for Jesus to return. If we have given our hearts to Jesus, then God has commissioned us to be His mouthpiece, His voice, to show His love and goodness throughout our lifetime
Therefore, this morning, let’s ask God what His desires are for our lives? Where has He called us too?
Perhaps we already know…so, be encouraged, that we have been set apart for a reason
Today, let’s, therefore, ask ourselves – are we still listening to the world, or our King?
“Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.”” Isaiah 6:8
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