John 17 is Jesus’ last prayer, but have you ever noticed that He prays for us?
What would your last prayer be? If you knew that that would be it before you died – what words would you speak?
The more that I thought about Jesus’ prayer, the more I thought about how fickle I probably would be because I would want to pray for everything and everyone. I would pray about whether my life had been enough. If I had followed God’s path. I would also undoubtedly be repenting! But I would pray for loved ones I was about to leave behind – for God’s continued faithfulness, mercy, love, and guidance for them
Yet, for Jesus, He knew His identity. He knew His relationship with the Father was secure. He knew His path. Therefore, He prayed for us.
Jesus prays that we will know God as He did, and that we would be in perfect unity together so that the world would know that God had sent Him
Friends, there comes a point in our lives when we focus on what truly matters. This is the time when we die to our selfish-ambition. We are at peace with who God created us to be so that we become a light for Jesus without striving. The world around us breaks our hearts because we see the brokenness and we pray that others will find what we have with God
My heart is burning with compassion for God’s world. There are people still yet to hear the name, Jesus. Others who believe they can piggyback into Heaven based on others faith. Or worse still, some who don’t even care
We need to get on our knees and pray, like Jesus, for the world to know God. For His love to be poured out as it is in Heaven, but also, for unity.
Friends, it starts with you and I. So today, ask yourself truthfully – what would your last prayer be, and is it a true reflection of the heart of the Father?
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John 17 is one of the most profound prayers that Yashua spoke and prayed. All the more reason why we need to pay closer attention to why things are the way they are. There is such discord among the brethren everywhere and this is what He was saying here. What was going on during this time was the battles between the Jews, Gentiles and the Romans. How sad it still yet today with the same people; constantly disagreeing with doctrines, not seeing the words He spoke for the realty they are…His words not ours or our perceptions of what we think it says. It is what He said not what we think it says and if people keep going with this mentality; as they will, because that too is written we are headed for some of the greatest testings of a life time. When we become one with Him that means we are in complete agreement with what He said not what we think. Accessing heavens throne room to meet with Him, rising above all circumstances to sit in the heavenly realms, and bringing heaven to earth to complete the work He has called us to. It will happen with or with out us because He said it would but the mere fact that He chooses to co-labor with us should cause us to bow our heads in reverence.
Absolutely, but even in our brokenness, love still came down. There will always be people who fall away, but ultimately our lives need to reflect the heart of the Father – which is, love conquers all. While we can always disagree on the nitty-gritty of doctrine, the church needs to live out the two greatest commandments – because only then will we see a transformation not only within the brethren but also the world. Unfortunately, humanity has always wanted to think that we know best, rather than following our All-Knowing God, but one day, we will all be bought to our knees, when the One who gave it all, returns
I do agree in part but scripturally there much more that has been written. Unfortunately it will take more than just love, it will take obedience to what He says to do as well. And do you know why that is?? There is a multitude of people that genuinely love him with all their heart and while this is good it will take more than love to enter in otherwise there would be no separation between what the remnant is compared to those who will be servants in the kingdom, the remnant will rule and reign while others will not, but serve in other ways. Look at what it reads…Beloved, I write no fresh command to you, but an OLD COMMAND which you have had from the beginning. The old command is the Word which you heard from the beginning. (1John 2:7) Also 1 John 5:3 For this is the love for Elohim, that we guard His commands, and His commands are not heavy.
Which commands are these outside of the two that are being mentioned as the greatest??? While many feel that it is only two commandments what happened to the rest of them and why aren’t they followed through as well? Not one place in scripture is it written that the others have been done away with but yet many want to quote this verse that merely sums up what He is saying. He only desire for us all to enter into His full covenant and half way. This love for us is great indeed and while there may be the ideology of what people feel is true…again it is what is written. Many people in the churches feel they are apart of the remnant or the bride but fail to see the requirements it takes to be in this. So in asking a genuine question here would you by chance know what those requirements are to be in this remnant or to be the bride in His kingdom??? Providing scripture could be real effective.
I am not here to ”argue” – there are too many Pharisees in the world already
Matthew 5:17-20 is an excellent place to start…Jesus fulfils the law because He stands in the gap for us. John 8:36 – He died to set us free, in love.
Matthew 22:36-40 are the two greatest commandments because loving God covers the first four, of the ten commandments. Loving others, covers the rest
And obedience is the key to an intimate relationship with God, I agree, but love is what brings a desire to be obedient in the first place. If we only demand obedience, it becomes more of a dictatorship and that is not God because God is love
Paul repeats what I have said in Romans 13:9-10
There are too many Christians trying to tell each other that they are right or wrong and yet, we all (whatever denomination) show the glory of God in some different way
We need to learn to love each other with whom God has created us to be and stop trying to put each other in boxes
Bless you ❤️