Scripture tells us that we are the house for the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16) who dwells within us when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.
Interestingly, the blood of the lamb imagery found in Exodus, still applies to us today, regarding Jesus Christ as the lamb, but many people don’t believe that judgement is coming.
God gave the Israelites a chance to be spared if they followed His command by putting the blood of the lamb on their door. This meant that the Angel of Death would Passover their home, and they would be spared judgement – but it not only required belief in intellect, it also needed action.
Today, the same applies, we must believe in Jesus Christ, as the Lamb who was slain, but an act of sacrifice is needed from us – in other words, our bodies become the daily sacrifice to take up His cross, and follow God’s leading (Matthew 16:24-26)
Friends, there has always been ”Pharisees” throughout time – these are people who know what God says, but they think intellect is what will save them.
Yet, God is the same today, as He was then, and therefore, our fate regarding eternity has, and always will be, regarding our obedience to God
It has never been about just knowing, intellectually what God says to do, but still about what we do with that knowledge
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