John the Baptist was set apart before birth to be a prophet for the Messiah. He was called at such a time to proclaim the coming of Jesus, as well as all, should repent, and so, he spoke with boldness and courage
The Israelites hadn’t heard from God for 400 years, but then, God sends John, from the wilderness of where he lived, to proclaim the Good News
Friends, do you realise that we are New Testament prophets?
Like John, we come from the wilderness, the desert, the barrenness of life, and like John, we receive the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel, fearlessly, in that, Jesus Christ is Lord, and therefore all should repent as we await His return
John prepared the way for the Messiah’s arrival (Matthew 11:10) God has set us apart to be prophets to the Nations – we are God’s voice, to prepare the way for Jesus’ second coming.
Friends, inside each one of us, God has placed the same message, but it will be voiced in many different ways. Our wilderness may look very different, but we are One, united within the Gospel, as we look forward to the same destination.
Faithfully, obediently, and fearlessly, we need to speak the message placed within our hearts, by God, before we were even formed within the womb
The opinion of others was that John was a prophet of God (Matthew 14:5) He is one of the few people that other religions also deem he was God’s mouthpiece, and that is my prayer for us this morning…
It’s time for us to move out of our wilderness and be God’s voice. So that we will be known as a child of God, and therefore, we will not be shaken, as we proclaim Who God is, and what is to come
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This is so good and challenging – these words need to be heard!
Thanks so much ❤️ I think it’s something that many of us struggle with!