When an Angel speaks, we should listen, because they live in God’s presence, and serve to do His will. Therefore, if an angel appeared to you in physical form – what would you do?
In Luke 1:13, we see that Gabriel tells Zechariah about the birth of his son, and he was told to name him, “John” (which means “the Lord is gracious”) Then in Luke 1:31, Gabriel speaks to Mary and tells her about the birth of her son, and that she is to give Him the name, “Jesus” (which means “the Lord saves”)
God gave both of these parents their child’s names because, at that time, people took names very seriously, and God was declaring that through these births, He would use these men to be gracious and save others
When God speaks through angels, listen…
The Word of God will never fail.
He is faithful.
He is powerful.
He is good.
But, it’s more than that…God’s Word can be trusted because the Word became flesh and He died for us so that we might be saved.
He died so that the word spoken over Mary, was fulfilled
Jesus saves
”If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9