This is probably the question when you’d expect a person’s ”Momma Bear” instincts to kick in, and tear you to shreds
Yet, we can see from Moses’ story (Exodus) and the Scripture below, that his parents let go of what they knew, to save their child
How many of us would naturally know who Jochebed is? Her name means “God’s Glory,” and here, at this moment in time, what occurred earned her a place in the “Hall of Faith” chapter, in Hebrews 11.
Jochebed knew what needed to be done, but faith comes by walking out what we know to be true, and for her, it meant literally letting go of her baby
How many of us would disobey a King’s command, knowing if caught, death would probably be the punishment?
How many of us could send our child down the River Nile?
Moses was seen as a special child, a beautiful child, or an unusual child – in other words, from three months old, his parents knew that God’s hand was upon him. They knew he had a call upon his life, so trusted God’s promises, and walked by faith, not by sight
Sometimes God is going to ask us to trust in something, that in the natural, seems impossible, but we serve a God of possibilities.
Sometimes God is going to ask us to step out of the boat, to show us, that faith comes by doing, and it is the only way for us to grow
Sometimes God is going to ask us to “let go” of the things that are most precious to us because when God is first in our lives, we realise that the enemy can no longer hold us back
Friends, there are some of us who are struggling with the thought of letting go of our “child” – this prophetically, could be a dream, a career, a business, our money, whatever it is, I encourage you to nurture it, build a basket, and let it go down the river – why?
Because when we realise that God created everyone alive to be in an intimate relationship with Him, then we receive the revelation that if God is for us, who can be against us? It might seem crazy what you feel in your heart to be true, but if God is directing your steps, what do we ultimately have to fear?
“It was by faith that Moses’ parents hid him for three months when he was born. They saw that God had given them an unusual child, and they were not afraid to disobey the king’s command.” Hebrews 11:23
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