So often we do things out of obligation, that things are no longer enjoyable. If we think of prayer as a checklist, then we have missed the whole point of spending time with God
How many times have we prayed the Lord’s Prayer and never really stopped to address what we are saying, and why?
“Our Father in Heaven” not only addresses God as Majestic and Holy but that He is also personal and loving – because He is our Dad. Some of us may think of having to speak to our earthly Dad as an obligation, but I hope, for most of us, we love to do it, because we love the relationship we have with Him…so speaking to our Heavenly Father should be so much more!
Yet, prayer itself is simply redirecting our thoughts, to our Dad, in Heaven, because we will always naturally seek to pray for “this” or “that,” but it is in the middle of “this and that” in which God usually moves.
Being in heaven means that our Dad, is higher than anything that this world has to offer, and therefore it gives us a perspective in Who we are indeed speaking to, daily
Lastly, why do we say, “hallowed”? I always wondered this, and so, I looked it up!
Hallowed means to “honour” His Holy name – so to put it simply, it’s remembering that there is no one like Him! Therefore, it’s respecting Who God is because when we use His name lightly, in all honesty, we forget our Dad’s Holiness
This morning, cultivate a desire to want to spend time with Dad. He has everything we will ever seek from life. Know everything we’ll ever want to know, and loves us more than we can ever imagine
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