Site icon Rebecca Brand

God’s Gift

It is available to each and every one of us, and yet, there are a few Christian’s that have yet to accept this gift from God

Worldly peace is simply deemed as an absence of conflict, but the peace that Christ gives, is so much more because Christian’s have peace in ALL circumstances – whether we look at back the past, or into our future – there should be nothing to worry about

God’s goodness is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but the world tells us that there must be more to receiving God’s peace? Surely we need to strive to attain this Gift, or at least, fear that we might lose it?

But, it’s given freely through the Holy Spirit, and therefore, if you are struggling with fear, doubt, or just the unknown, I want to encourage you this morning, to let go of what you think you know, and turn to the One who does, because life becomes so much more, when the Peace of God is in our hearts

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