God gave me an image last week that I have been thinking about, and then this Scripture came to mind this morning, so I want to share it with you…
I saw people from all walks of life, rising to their feet and standing still. When people felt like they couldn’t stand anymore, the Spirit would hold them up
…All we had to do was stand
I felt like God was saying that for some of us, we have been knocked down for too long. We have been listening to the wrong voice, who says that we aren’t worthy…we’re not good enough…we won’t achieve anything
But, I want to encourage you this morning, that God is with us. When we can not step with God, then just stand still, and watch Him fight for you. If you have been knocked to the ground, take the hand of the person God has bought into your life, and stand together.
God is saying, It’s time to rise.
Whether we are stepping forward into our destiny…rise
Whether we feel we are starting again…rise
Whether we are weak and feel that we can’t carry on…rise
Scripture shows in our weakness, we find God’s strength. Therefore, allow the Spirit to help us through this time.
Allow the Spirit to help us stand together because that is when we realise how strong we truly are…
Eventually, we will take that step that we thought was impossible, and the enemy will flee, because there is nothing more powerful than a child of God full of faith, and purpose, in what God is asking of them because we serve a God of the possible
Today, let’s rise and just stand still
Categories: 1 Thessalonians
Wow! This word is so timely as I am dealing with things from my childhood and getting to the root of rejection in counselling. Thank you for being sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Blessings. Tanya xx
I am praying that the counseling speaks to the very depths of your soul, and the root is destroyed once all ❤️