For most of us, we don’t want what we have been given in life, and we want what others have received
Desire, lust, and even to covet, are talked about in the Bible because God knew that our soul would want what it didn’t have
I have realised that this can be so true, regarding parents and their children
I am guilty of trying to push Sarai into her God-given calling (that I know is to come) rather than let her walk that path on her own
Yet, why do I/We try to play God? (I assume I’m not on my own here!)
I was reading the passage about Esau and Jacob today, where Isaac is tricked into giving Jacob what was rightfully Esau’s blessing
Rebekah saw an opportunity for God’s plan to come to pass, and she ran with it. No regard for ”in God’s timing” or that she was deceiving not only her Husband, but herself
Rebekah in that moment became a ”pushy parent” and Jacob allowed her to be
Rebekah pushed a way, into God blessing Jacob, through Isaac, at that precise time
Real love gives others freedom
I’m not talking about allowing a 2-year-old to do what they want, but at some point a parent will see an opportunity that they know would benefit their adult child, and we can manipulate, not only our child/ren but others too, in order to get it
Today, we need to realise that it is easy to say that we love someone, but so much harder to give them the freedom, they need, to make those choices on their own.
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