Having money is a relief when those unexpected bills come in but whether you are wealthy, getting by, or struggle from paycheque to paycheque, my question is:
Who is the Lord in your life?
Money comes and goes. You can have people who win the lottery and then you read that they have spent it all. Some of us will spend every cent we have, or spend an inheritance we receive, within the blink of an eye.
But, the only thing that transfers into eternity is our relationship with Jesus!
We can have our eyes on that holiday, the renovation we so desperately need, the new car, or even the future of our children, that we lose sight of our lifetime fleeting by, as we strive to achieve those goals in life.
Money isn’t bad and to have life goals is great – to dream and pursue is a God-given gift, but, it’s our relationship with Jesus that is single handily the most important thing that we can ever achieve in life!
My prayer today is that we won’t reach the end of our lives, and realise that it’s not “what” that mattered but “whom.”
Categories: Proverbs