Our daughter recently introduced me to the Tauren Wells’ album, “Hills and Valleys” – I absolutely love it (which is a good thing, because Sarai wants to play it constantly) yet, I woke up this morning with a song on my heart.
“God’s not done with you” is a beautiful, and powerful song that will literally speak to the very depths of your soul. But, there is one line that brings so much truth to our walk through life – whether Christian or not.
There’s a light you don’t notice until you’re standing in the dark
This is so profoundly true.
As an unbeliever, it’s not until our world is rocked in some way that we usually start to seek…to ask questions…to search…and realise that we’ve actually been living in spiritual darkness up until that point, because of the discoveries, once we find God.
But, as a believer, although we have found “the light,” this world has an amazing ability to suck us back into its vortex.
Yet, no matter what the wounds, the scars we have, the battles we have lost, the ruins we stand in – God’s not done with you. We may have made another bad choice, decision, regret, but it’s from our ashes that God brings beauty. He restores. He awakens our soul to His redemptive love.
No matter where we are in life, this could be the beginning. A new chapter. A story of God’s unfailing grace – if only we would allow Jesus to begin our story, the way it should be, because it’s certainly not over yet.
“For the light makes everything visible. This is why it is said, “Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” Ephesians 5:14
Categories: Ephesians