Picture it…
Moses has just spent time in the presence of God – face to face – in the Tent of Meeting outside of the Israelites camp.
Joshua had witnessed many miraculous events, being by Moses’ side…the parting of the Red Sea, the destruction of the whole Egyptian Army, Manna from the Sky, and Water from a rock…but the pillar of cloud must have been an awesome sight!
It could be seen for miles around and when God’s people saw the cloud, they stood and worshipped outside the tent – millions of people.
I have read past the last part of Exodus 33:11 in a nonchalant way for many years and then today, I paused, and God spoke to me.
Joshua remained in the Tent of Meeting once Moses had gone back to the Camp – he lingered for more. In God’s presence.
Maybe Joshua was protecting the Tent from worshippers, who could have dared to have gone inside, only to meet their fate. He was after all a warrior, but I felt God say this morning that “Joshua wanted more.” To know more, or to feel more of God’s presence.
Whatever the reason, Scripture tells us that Joshua was mighty in God. He had the faith to go in and scope out the promise land. He boldly stood for God when others failed to see how God would hand it over for them. And he was Moses’ successor in eventually leading God’s people, in what Moses failed to do.
Imagine if we stayed behind for a period of time in God’s presence. What would God speak to us? What would He show us? How would our lives be changed? But more importantly, how would we change others, from that experience?!?
Today, ask God’s presence to fill the room, wherever you are, and I pray that you will linger there
Categories: Uncategorised
Love this! It’s very encouraging. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much ❤️