Do you want to know what I think God’s primary love language is?
Quality Time
Why? Because throughout scripture God shows us how important it was for Jesus to spend time ALONE with Him.
We were created for an intimate relationship with God. To know and be known. To know His voice and to know His presence.
When was the last time we unplugged and was intentional about spending time with God?
And I’m not talking about 5 minutes here or there either. Somewhere that:
The TV is turned off…
Our phone is switched off.
The Laptop is put away.
And the child/ren is/are paused…or maybe that’s just wishful thinking!
But, in all seriousness, when do we do this?
My love language is quality time, and that means that when you say you want to catch up…I wish for all of you (just not in a weird creepy way.)
I want uninterrupted face to face conversation. To see the expression on your face, and to hear your laughter, or to even see the tears run down your face (my company isn’t that bad, I promise!)
But my point is, I love intentionality. I love that someone would want to have a conversation and it becomes a place of connection and ultimately, love.
God desires that we would do the same, with Him.
Categories: Mark