When I was relatively new to my Faith; my bible was actually used as a coaster. I went months without even thinking of God, let alone reading His word. I went through a period of continued grief, with circumstances that my Family had faced and rather than turn to God…I blamed Him for the things that were happening.
Looking back, I was so wrong to have pushed God away but His word at the time had not gone from my head to heart. I certainly wasn’t walking with God!
Our soul prospers, when we learn the Scriptures and receive the grace of God. I certainly understand this now and if we go through hard times – I have something to hold onto. Knowing God and having a relationship with Him; builds faith and trust but more importantly, it keeps you secure in this uncertain World.
When Christ is the cornerstone and God is the foundation, that my faith is built upon; I can confidentially say that our House serves the Lord because we know that with every breath in us, that He is our creator, our protector, our provider but more importantly – our saviour.
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