We all have “stuff” in our lives that we wish “could” be different. For instance – the choices we made. The things we bought. The people we hurt (to name a few). Born into a “fallen World” – our very nature goes against God. We want to please ourselves, rather that of our Heavenly Creator – who asks us to love each other, as He loves us.
I can remember as an unbeliever saying, “I’d rather go to Hell…Heaven sounded boring…Hell is where the party will be at”. I was blinded in life, to only, getting what I wanted – no matter what the cost.
David paid the price for what he wanted. It cost him his new born Son and his other Family, after he took what wasn’t his. Psalm 51 reminds me that there is always a cost, for going against what we know is the right thing to do.
Like David; we need to ask God to cleanse us. When we renew our minds and allow God into our lives; He creates a pure heart from within, so that we can leave the old behind. We might never be able to change the past but I love that the future is certain, with Christ, when He is the centre of all.
Categories: Psalm