I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength to do his work. He considered me trustworthy and appointed me to serve him, even though I used to blaspheme the name of Christ. In my insolence, I persecuted his people. But God had mercy on me because I did it in ignorance and unbelief. Oh, how generous and gracious our Lord was! He filled me with the faith and love that come from Christ Jesus.
What Paul says in this Epistle is exactly what I was like, before I was saved in 2006.
God uses those of us who sin against the Lord Almighty because that is what Jesus does – he forgives and loves unconditionally.
God has unmeasurable mercy and grace to set us free from all the sins of this world.
Taking that step of faith changed my life forever, so much so that now God has sent me out to do his work and show others that no matter what you have done in your past, your future has hope because of Jesus Christ.
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